Hi, I’m Rallu, an Indigenous who belongs to the Watunapatto tribe that occupies tiny island in the Southwest of Pacific Ocean, at the border between Indonesia (my nationality) and the Philippines. Welcome.
This place is a personal space. Remember that. So, low down your expectation.
In this platform, you will not ever find my kind of writing that you will normally found at news outlets or online magazine – in case you ever read my writing. This is my diary, my personal thoughts and struggle on ideas and concepts, which needed an outlet to be channelled away from within my mind.
So, bear in mind if you might disagree or strongly oppose what I write here. That’s on you. No one invite you to give a damn comment nor I care about your opinion. So, in case you left a comment and never appears here, it means I just censored it down the sink. As the master of this place, I have all the rights to do so and you have no stand to complaint nor questioning it.
However, I do welcome all criticism and feedback with my own standard and criteria on which one can make the cut. Be mindful with that so we can go along together.
PS: Do not wonder why I do not use image in my writings. This isn’t Instagram. If you want to see good photos, go there.